

Sunday, May 31, 2009

learnin 2 loco

i spent the past week in a classroom learning about locomotive systems , performance and maintenance.

locomotives are like super huge puzzle that only looks right when all the pieces are in the right places. I know that you can spend years learning about then and not manage to know everything ...

whats wierd is how much i enjoyed the course...someone said 2 me on friday that i was crazy about railway. I never tjhought of myself like that , more like bursting with ideas on how to take my theory and put in tio practice rto make a peoples lives better, far better. Can you imagine, less deaths on the rails etc.

ther is a world of possibilities (cliche or not)

I think i'm giving up my plans to study further...i mean giving up the bookish-ness and beginning to explore reality.I reckon its about time.What would all the studying amount to if i didnt?

Is still an iffy topic but i plan to eventually make a decision thats best for me

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