

Monday, June 30, 2008

the rest of the exciting week in cape town

This is the lobby of our haven after hours of work, research and glimpses at the prospects ahead in the careers ahead of us. It was well worth it. Even though Nadia and the team scheduled an average of three hours of sleep every night for us mere muggles; breakfast always made up for it! [see Cape Town Lodge website for more of their pics]

Did I mention food , boy were we spoiled ! There was always soooo much to eat ... and sooooooooo yummy...check out these pics

Waiting for food ... we had no idea what was coming

Okay so I have gained a couple of kilo's...but what could I do , the food was soo good :-)

The technical project surrounded "the mystery of the blackouts" we visited the Koeberg nuclear power station
heres a bunch of activities that made us all laugh-out-loud in the true meanng of it but also got the creative juices going...

The gala dinner scared the zombie out of all the delegates . Do they look great or what ?

oh dear ... there was the shocking realisation that we had to leave

Monday, June 23, 2008

SAWomEng Conference

60 of South Africa's top female engineers in Khayalitsha on the first day of the SAWomEng Conerence , 2008

These may look like terrorrists but they're actually the winners of the team building (flesh bruising ) exercise that the young ladies played. The ReD team have been named as the most brutal and no other paintball team could have cheated their way so well into victory (and yes I do still hold a grudge to that red barbarian that gave me a rather strange and incredibly painful red ring on my ring finger ! huh...i'll get you back!)

these two pics are complements of the conference photographer :
Astrid Stark
Cape Town