I guess a post on my new life in the working world is far overdue
Yes , I have been slogging for a salary for 2 months now and i do have internet access at the office but that doesn't mean that there is little work to do and nobody checks if i'm FEM-ing or Blogging .
But truly , the only way to expalin how the working world is treating me is to babble...
I love the work, its all that i have been wanting to get my fingers dirty with...arbitrary stuff that seems insignificant to the average individual( i apologize, just those that claim they're NORMAL)
Drawing parts , creating models, calculating structuarl integrity of structures, Analysing etc. etc etc
I have a bit of a tough time having a boss...there was never soemone in school aka varsity checking if i was doing work , if i was on time, if i was taking 5 mins extra lunch etc.
Now there's all these people that want to know that value is being added when it should be ...i say bleh to that , I cant add any value on a half empty stomach ...get your facts staright brothers!!!
Mind you , this never disturbs many of the "ooms" in the office, they eat from breakfast till home time and i even wonder if they have time for work.
Leave, now this 1 i was warned about but i didnt quite get it ...i get it now. Wen you feel like working from home coz your PJ's are more comfortable than safety clothing and you know you WILL accomplish more ...you MUST still go to work coz your manger WANTs to see you pretty face pretending to get a LOT of work done...thats definitely it. Other than that ...statistically you get tired enough to get a day or or 2 off every month...wateva!
Travelling about 3 hours to work ( thats the round trip to and from work ) is my craziest part of the day. Its a mad adventure cum cultural lesson cum nap time in the burning hot sun on hot Tshwane drives.I am becoming an expert at car spotting...lol.I love it , I hate it ...I really cant decide whether I can give it up as yet. The people I travel with are so kewl, so inspirational and motivational. I think my days are productive when we discuss our action plans in the mornings. But then i think my days fade in poductivity because I start soooo early . Its one of those things that I cant decide about ...as yet
Overall, work is challenging but fun. Everyday I'm reminded of how little I actually know and how much i still need to learn. Its up to me though, whether to learn more or remain just a graduate ;learn more or remain ignorant to the ways of other people; learn more or stagnate!
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