So far , I think all my posts have been a journey through my life as an engineer .The ususal trials and tribulations: the good days of which we may take for granted because thay are actually not outnumbererd by the bad .This blog was meant to get female engineers in touch with the brilliant other female engineers out there . I haven't lost sight.Lets just say that I'm deviating from that for a while .
For all I have been through, there have been a great group of people pushing me forward and backing me up.To all those people , you know who you are, THANK YOU.
This past exam , like many others in Engineering , was gruelling ...the survival of the fittest.I survived , but it was only the preliminary round.November exams loom like a dark cloud in the sky , waiting to burst.It will burst and when it does I will have an umbrella , but that too is only thanks to these wonderful people that motivate mean everything that I do.
I hope your results were as surprisingly good as mine .
I'll give up with wishy -washy stuff 4 now.
Ciao ciao
hey peops
i 4 got to say:
thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thnak you , thank you, thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you , thank you
Hey girl engineers. Keep it rocking. sounds like campus is fun as usual and engineering is keep you busy as per norm. Big ups i'm happy u did so well in the exams. Hey november is awhile away. besides third block is the best at campus :-) i'm in Botswana at the moment doing a project for Debswana Diamond Company!
o its mo suliman btw :-)
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