

Friday, June 23, 2006

A minute of Silence ,A lifetime of prayers

When one day , on a day quite like today, when you think you've found peace with your suroundings,it changes in the most sorrowful way.Your newfound pillar of strength reaches his final destination on this earth.

Tumelo Modise , was this wonderful friend of mine that always reminded me to smile in the face of adversity.It's strange how we never notice peoples worth until they can't be there anymore.

Tumelo worked with me and the rest of the Baja team .He was my senior when it came to Baja work and whenever he saw me he'd stop to find out if I was well and my designs were coming on well.He put his heart and soul into the work , even though he'd never get paid nor get any formal accreditation for it.

I will , however , always remember him as the hardest worker acedamically.
I rememeber him always being the first in our MathTutorials, always asking questions, always helping others out and often being one of the last to leave.

I think math tuts will always be a bit tearful for me from now on.As for the Mini Baja Team; there's a stillness ,in the lab.

I will miss Tumelo dearly.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Gifts for engineers ...hint , hint!

The first is a T-shirt for the ladies .It reads "Cutie Pie"

The other is a tape measure...Engineers Rule !

There ar e millions more at but you can get me wateva you want 2

Monday, June 19, 2006

Sasol Mini Baja 2006

Ever heard of the Sasol Mini Baja Competition?Here @ Wits , you could call it an underground Society...very few know about it, even fewer know how much fun it is!!!

Check out the pics from 1 of the races that we've had in the past year...our cars (car 3 & car 5) totally rock!!