"YOU're studying engineering !"bellowed the man towering over me with a look that of utter surprise .I happen to be a tiny girl, often passed off as a twelve year old but that's not the only reason why the giant before me looked aghast .A women in engineering! It's earth shattering to those indoctrinated by societies beliefs that women are incapable.
Their beliefs are far from the reality. The Engineering faculty at the University of Witwatersrand prides itself on its dedicated female lecturers.Professor Sylvana Lykcx
and others like her give their male counterparts a run for their money.
They say that when women are in a male dominated world, they begin behaving like them .A defense mechanism of some kind .But away from the psychology of it all are the REAL people .The Profs ,the Drs and the students that are more often than ever undeniably feminine...
Watch this space as i zoom in on some of the inspirational people in my life .